Who is Maxine Wahome father Jimmy Wahome? Maternal family and net worth

Since Maxine Wahome is a current Kenyan racing driver and former Motocross driver, people are interested in learning more about Maxine Wahome Father.

She first competed in autocross at a young age before transitioning to motocross. She debuted in the Naivasha Safari Rally in June 2022 and won the WRC3 championship.

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Waigwa Murage, the co-driver, guided her. In March 2022, she won the first Lioness Rally held in Kasarani. Safina Khan was responsible for guiding her.

On December 13, 2022, Maxine Wahome again made headlines for unfavorable reasons as she was allegedly involved in a love triangle with her 50-year-old beau Asad Khan.

Due to extreme blood loss from his Achilles, Asad Khan was sent to intensive care. Bail used to release her.

GBV activists called on Safaricom PLC and Betika to stop sponsoring them on social media. It has been an increasingly typical occurrence when celebrities are in the news for the wrong reasons.

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Maxine Wahome Family: Who is Maxine Wahome Father, Jimmy Wahome and Mother?

Maxine Wahome’s father, Jimmy Wahome, is a retired rally driver. Unfortunately no other information was found on him as Jimmy seems to be a bit secretive about his data.

Similarly, Maxine has not yet shared any information about her mother such as her name, age, occupation and others with her fans, so no further information about her was found online.

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Maxine Wahome won Sports Personality of the Month for June 2022. (Source: Instagram)

Maxine has not shared anything about her siblings either. She has not posted a single photo with her family on her social media like Instagram so no information about them was available.

She mostly shares photos of herself and her rally car on her Instagram, where she goes by the handle @maxine_wahome_rally. She has over 2k followers and seems mildly active there as she updates her profile.

Unfortunately no other information was found on Maxine Wahome Father as Jimmy seems to be a bit secretive about his data.

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Maxine Wahome Net Worth 2024

Maxine seems to be a bit secretive about her details such as her net worth as the racer has yet to share much information on the matter with her fans.

According to various sources, her estimated net worth is over $500,000 in 2024. However, this information is yet to be confirmed by the racer himself.

Maxine Wahome
Maxine Wahome with her rally car. (Source: Instagram)

Although Maxine has made a lot of money from her career, it seems that she only enjoys spending her money on things other than her car. She is yet to post a single picture of her wearing expensive clothes, designer shoes and others on her social media.

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Is Maxine Wahome’s boyfriend dead?

No, Maxine Wahome’s partner is still alive and receiving care at the Avenue hospital. After the event, he was transported to Nairobi Hospital before being triaged at the Avenue.

The couple had been living together for a while when Maxine Wahome attacked Khan at his residence.

Wahome, Khan’s girlfriend, was detained on December 12 at her apartment in Kilimani after Adila Khan, Khan’s brother, reported the incident.

Although the victim needs justice, she was still released on a KSh. 100,000 cash bail.

He was reportedly in a coma when the ***** rumors started circulating, but his parents later said he was still alive and fighting for his life.

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