An attack on the Central Bank in Haiti was repelled… and a number of attackers were killed

Port-au-Prince – AFP

An attack on the Central Bank of Haiti in the capital, Port-au-Prince, which is largely controlled by gangs, was repelled, and a number of attackers were killed, a source inside the institution said on Tuesday.
The Central Bank is one of the rare institutions that has not left the center of the capital, where armed gangs are wreaking havoc and chaos.
A source at the Central Bank, who requested to remain anonymous, said that a group of “bandits” attacked the headquarters on Monday.
He added: “Security personnel, in cooperation with the police and army forces, were able to repel the attack. Between three and four attackers were killed.”
He added that a Central Bank security officer was shot.
For its part, the Central Bank expressed, on Tuesday, on the “X” platform: “Its deep gratitude to our security personnel and the National Police for their vigilance and steadfast commitment to protecting our society.” He explained: “In the incident that occurred near the headquarters of the Central Bank of Haiti, the security forces and personnel assigned to protect the institution responded professionally and effectively.”
Farhan Haq, assistant spokesman for United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, announced on Tuesday that the situation in Port-au-Prince remains “tense and volatile.” He continued: “Schools, hospitals and government buildings are still under attack.” Power was cut off in several neighborhoods after attacks on power poles reported on Sunday by the Haitian Electricity Company.
Guterres renewed his “call on all parties in Haiti to put aside their differences and move immediately” to form the new authorities.
Haiti, which is facing a deep political and security crisis, has witnessed a renewal of violence since the beginning of the month, when several gangs united their forces to attack strategic sites in Port-au-Prince, as part of a conflict with Prime Minister Ariel Henry.
Henry was unable to return to the country after a visit to Kenya. He announced his resignation on the 11th of this month, stressing that his government would take over the management of business until a presidential transitional council was established. Haitians have been waiting for the formation of transitional authorities since then.
On Monday, 14 bodies were found in an upscale suburb of Port-au-Prince, where gang members carried out attacks at dawn.

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