The Canadian Foreign Ministry announces the cessation of arms exports to Israel

Written by Abdel Wahab El Gendy

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 10:07 PM

The Canadian newspaper “The Star” said that a minister Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly It announced a halt to arms exports to Israel after a non-binding resolution from the House of Commons.

Canada exported weapons to Israel worth 28.5 million Canadian dollars in the last three months of last year, according to foreign media.

The newspaper added: “The Trudeau government will halt future arms exports to Israel even though the motion passed by the House of Commons on Monday calling for such a measure is non-binding, says Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie.”

In previous statements, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie said on Monday that Canada will continue to support the two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, but it is not about to change its foreign policy after the New Democratic Party’s demand to “officially recognize” the State of Palestine.

Jolie defended the government’s response to the war waged by Israel on the Gaza Strip, which caused the death of thousands of civilians, while representatives in the House of Commons discussed a New Democrats motion calling on the Liberals to recognize a Palestinian state.

She added that working to find a path towards lasting peace was at the top of her agenda during her recent trip to the region.

The ongoing war opened major fissures within the Liberal caucus, as its members discussed their positions on the proposal during a morning call before the debate.

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