A surprising decision…the first official comment from “Takween” on Abdullah R.’s debate

02:17 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Books – Muhammad Nassar:

The Takween Foundation issued an official statement regarding what was reported in the media over the past two days about holding debates between Takween representatives and people from opposition movements.

The Foundation said, in its statement on Tuesday, that what was reported in the press in the previous two days about holding debates between representatives of formation and people from opposition movements is baseless.

She added: No debate will be held in the name of the Foundation, because debates do not fall within the tools we use to achieve the Foundation’s goals.

She continued: We affirm once again that the institution is not in a state of clash with the Islamic religion or any other religions, and the subject of religious discourse is not the main pillar of the institution, but rather Arab thought and its renewal, and therefore this is not at the core of our goals.

She indicated that she is not against debate with any of the names that were put forward, but she is in favor of dialogue about the concepts and ideas put forward by the Foundation, and the dialogue is open to everyone, but about the topics determined by the Foundation and using the tools approved by the Board of Trustees.

The Foundation concluded its statement, saying: We are a cognitive and thinking space and not an arena for fighting or excluding others, and therefore we ask journalists not to conduct any debates in the name of the Takween Foundation.

Journalist Amr Adeeb announced the preparations for a debate between Sheikh Abdullah Rushdi, advocacy researcher at the Ministry of Endowments, and researcher Islam Behairy, a member of the Board of Trustees of the “Takween” initiative, on the “Al-Hekaya” program on MBC Egypt. Concerning the “Takween” Foundation.

Sheikh Abdullah Rushdi wrote on his page on the “X” website: “The journalist Amr Adeeb put forward my name for a dialogue between me and Takween, and Islam Beheiry expressed his willingness, and I am also ready when the time is set for that, God willing.”

Journalist Amr Adeeb responded to Abdullah Rushdi’s post, saying: “You are welcome, we will prepare well for this session and set its date soon.”

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