“No one will stand beside you.” The former Egyptian national team coach comments on Hass’s statements

05:57 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Written by Hend Awad:
Mahmoud Fayez, the current coach of the Syrian national team and former assistant coach of the Egyptian national team, commented on the statements of Hossam Hassan, the current coach of the Pharaohs, during a session with journalists.

Fayez wrote on his official account on the social networking site “Facebook”: “The Egyptian national team coach, Captain Hossam Hassan Habb, is holding a secret session with our fellow journalists, a closed session, and with journalists, news editors, and event reporters? How is that okay?”

He added: “By God, Captain Hossam, there is no one who can doubt 1% of your sincerity, effort, and patriotic feeling. Do what you have to do, and God willing, our Lord will honor you. Our support for you, the apparatus, and the Egyptian team is absolute. Support can be through advice, healthy criticism, and an artistic opinion, and this is work.” And a very important role for the media and journalism in any part of the world.”

Fayez concluded: “And I am coming to you from the future, and I am telling you that neither the media, nor the press, nor social media (and they have all the appreciation) will stand by your side, God forbid, in the time of loss. All that you have to do is work, fatigue, and sincerity, and the result in the end belongs to our Lord.”

Yesterday, Monday, Hossam Hassan held a session with journalists, during which he talked about the current situation of the national team, and said: “There is no player in the Egyptian League who deserves to join the national team.”


Read also:
“In the footsteps of Al-Ahly”.. Zamalek shocks Hossam Hassan before the national team’s camp

“Distinguished players and the last of us were 3 buses.” Hossam Hassan’s statements contradict before and after taking over as coach of the national team (video)

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