Calls to cancel Uber’s license in Egypt after a new rape attempt

Uber app

image source, Getty Images

The Egyptians have not yet forgotten the death incident of the “Shorouk Girl,” who threw herself from one of the cars of a company belonging to one of the most famous phone applications for smart transportation in Egypt, until they were surprised by a new accident involving a girl with a driver belonging to the same company.

The Egyptian police announced that they arrested a taxi driver belonging to one of the applications, after he was accused of trying to kidnap a girl and assault her at the threat of a knife, which resulted in her being injured.

The Egyptian Ministry of Interior said in a statement that the girl managed to escape, and the white weapon and car used in the incident were seized, and the necessary legal measures were taken.

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Details of the accident

Sally Awad, the sister of the woman who was involved in the accident, revealed the details. She started by ordering a taxi from Sally’s phone through the application, and ten minutes later Sally discovered that the trip had been cancelled.

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