The death of Zeina Motawa.. Location editor, who fought cancer in her mid-twenties

Sadness fell over the workers Thresholds of Joy series By the great artist Yahya Al-Fakharani, after the death of the young editor Zeina Mutawa This Tuesday morning, she passed away after finishing filming the work in which she was part of the behind-the-camera team, and was present on location over the past period before her departure.

Zeina Mutawa Montira Location, who was in her mid-twenties, was suffering from cancer and had been undergoing chemotherapy sessions throughout the recent period, and yet she was working until the last days of her death despite the pain of the disease.

Writer Medhat Al-Adl mourned editor Zeina Mutawa during his account on Instagram, where he wrote: “We belong to God and to Him we shall return. I and all those working on the Thresholds of Joy series extend our sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the young editor, Zeina Mutawa, may God have mercy on her and make her dwell in His spacious paradise.”

Displays Thresholds of Joy series During the first half of Ramadan 2024, on the DMC channel at 6:15 pm, while the replay is at 5:00 am and 12 noon, and a drama is shown on the DMC channel at 8:00 pm, and the replay is at 2:00 am and the replay. 8:00 a.m., and BattleSync will be shown on the watch it platform.

The Thresholds of Joy series stars a large group of stars, most notably: Yahya Al-Fakharani, Jumana Murad, Salah Abdullah, Anba, Khaled Shubat, Safaa Al-Toukhi, Sama Ibrahim, Hisham Ismail, Wafaa Sadiq, Hazem Ihab, Youssef Othman, Laila Ezz Al-Arab, Alaa. Morsi, and the work is taken from the novel “Thresholds of Joy” by the great writer Ibrahim Abdel Majeed, and TV treatment by Dr. Medhat Al-Adl, directed by Magdy Abu Amira, and produced by Al-Adl Group by producer Jamal Al-Adl.

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