Sources refute rumors about Princess Kate Middleton: She will return to her duties after Easter

The Sunday Times reported, citing a royal source, that the Princess of Wales Kate Middletonwho has not been seen in public since undergoing surgery in January, is likely to address rumors about her health and well-being at a public event when she returns to her duties after Easter, which is celebrated this year on March 31.

The British newspaper reported, citing the source: “I can expect the princess to discuss her recovery through her appearances at future public events.”“.

The insider said that Kate and her husband, Prince William, the heir apparent to the British throne, are always “at their most open when interacting with members of the public.”“.

The source told the Sunday Times that the royal couple will not be in a hurry, and it will be Kate Middleton’s decision.

Recently, rumors have abounded Conspiracy theories about Kate MiddletonThis is because she has not appeared in public since January, in addition to not knowing her current whereabouts. The mother of three children has been absent from public appearances for more than a month, and it turns out that the last photo published by Kensington Palace in London to suppress rumors about her health has been edited..

This caused a state of media controversy with a lot of speculation about her health and even conspiracy theories about the relationship between the couple. There has been no official word from the royal family about Kate Middleton’s whereabouts.

On the other hand, a source close to the princess told US Weekly: “When she returns to work after Easter, she will likely be ready to talk about it.”

They said she was expected to speak Princess of Wales Publicly “when you’re on a royal tour and meet and greet members of the public.”

Kate has been the target of online trolls since she apologized for editing a Mother’s Day photo. The photo was originally published to inform the public that the princess was doing well after surgery.

However, this backfired after news outlets issued a notice to take down the image because it had been “manipulated”. The incident gave impetus to the strange controversy regarding Kate’s health.

Speaking about this matter, the source close to… the Royal family Also: “No one in the palace knows exactly what medical condition Kate had. But Kate is a very transparent person… She’s not really capable of lying but at this point she just wants her privacy.”

He emphasized that “Kate Middleton “She doesn’t hide things and she doesn’t have the ability to sneak,” he said, adding that she probably “didn’t want all the fuss and hassle.”

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