Al-Khamisi meeting: Sexual reassignment surgery in the case of a birth defect is acceptable… and cohabitation is rejected

Mohammed Shaban

Published on: Thursday, March 21, 2024 – 12:40 AM | Last updated: Thursday, March 21, 2024 – 12:40 AM

The artist Liqaa Al-Khamisi confirmed that each person’s culture, choices, and upbringing determine the ceiling of his freedom

During an interview with the “Asrar” program with media personality Amira Badr, which was broadcast on Al-Nahar channel on Wednesday evening, she expressed her categorical rejection of the West’s wave of defining human gender and allowing sex reassignment surgeries to change the gender of children, stressing that this is not freedom.

She said that the process of sex reassignment in specific cases, such as a person being born with a birth defect related to medicine, is acceptable from her point of view, considering that performing reassignment surgeries as “unhelpful work” is unacceptable to her and she does not care about it because it causes her discomfort. ‎ ‏‎ ‎

She added that this issue is not within her jurisdiction, stressing that whoever wants to conduct it bears responsibility for his behavior, but on a personal level she does not accept it on any of her children.

She responded to a hypothetical question about her position on her son’s request one day to live with a girl without marriage, saying: “It is completely unacceptable and not valid,” explaining that she is raising her children with the correct values ​​and teaching them right from wrong.

She stated that there are limits to freedom for her, but she does not have the right to interfere with the limits of others, explaining that she acts within the limits of her family, such as raising her son correctly and teaching him the Holy Qur’an to distinguish between right and wrong.

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