Education Competition 2024…specializations, conditions, and application link

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | 11:57 am

Education Competition 2024

Education Competition 2024

The Central Agency for Organization and Administration announced the departments, divisions, and specializations required in the colleges whose graduates are allowed to apply for the position of assistant subject teacher, according to the agency’s announcement of the need for the Ministry of Education and Technical Education to contract a number (18,886) for that position in all governorates of the Republic.

Education Competition 2024

Arabic language subject:

1- College of Education (Basic – General – Private – Al-Azhar), Department of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies.

2- Al-Azhar College of Science, South Sinai, Department of Arabic Language.

3- College of People with Disabilities and Rehabilitation (Educational Program), Arabic Language Department.

4- College of Science for People with Special Needs, Department of Arabic Language.

5- College of Arts, Department of Arabic Language.

6- College of Dar Al-Ulum, Department of Grammar, Morphology, Prosody, Rhetoric and Literary Criticism.

7- College of Al-Alsun, Department of Arabic Language.

8- College of Arabic Language, General Division.

9- College of Islamic and Arab Studies, Department of Arabic Language.

10- Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies for Boys, Cairo, General Division.

the conditions:

1- Apply on the government jobs portal website (click here).

2- The applicant for the position must have Egyptian nationality.

3- He must have a good conduct and good reputation.

4- He must not have previously been sentenced to a felony penalty, or to a freedom-restricting penalty for a crime against honor or trust, unless he has been rehabilitated.

5- He must not have been previously dismissed from service by a final disciplinary ruling or decision, unless at least four years have passed since it was issued.

6- The applicant’s age must not exceed 40 years on the date of publication of the advertisement.

7- Obtaining a higher educational qualification, and obtaining an educational diploma for non-graduates of colleges of education.

8- The applicant’s general rating must be “acceptable” or higher.

9- Passing the tests in accordance with the rules established in this regard.

10- Passing the training determined by the Ministry of Education and Technical Education.

11- Passing a medical examination and drug analysis for those who have passed the required tests and training.

12- Application must only be made in the governorate in which the applicant’s residence is located, according to what is stated in the national ID card.

13- Paying an amount of 26 pounds to the account of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, by depositing in one of the branches of the banks “Al-Ahly of Egypt – Banque Misr – Banque du Cairo”, which operates in the government financing system in all governorates of the Republic, on the account of the Central Agency for Organization and Administration No. 0781200/450/ 9h/ The proceeds of fees for filling government positions, other than filing expenses, provided that the date of receipt is later than the date of publication of the advertisement and confirmation that it mentions the name of the applicant, the national number, and the position applied for.

Application deadline and link

The agency announced the start of applications for the competition for the position of assistant teacher, starting today, May 4, until midnight on Thursday, May 27, 2024, via the following link, “Press here».

Education Competition 2024

Education Competition 2024

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