Thousands of Muslims in Austria perform the Eid al-Adha prayer at the Grand Islamic Center

Thousands of Muslims in Austria performed the blessed Eid al-Adha prayer at the Grand Islamic Center in the Austrian capital, Vienna. The Eid sermon included an explanation of the meanings, values, and virtues of Eid al-Adha.

Eid prayers were also held at the Egyptian Club in the Austrian capital, Vienna, in the presence of a large number of club members and members of the community.

A number of senior state leaders in Austria were keen to congratulate Muslims on Eid Al-Adha, led by President Alexander van der Bellen and the Governor of the Austrian capital, Vienna, Michael Ludwig.

The officials wished the Muslims of Austria a happy and blessed Eid and that the country would remain a symbol of coexistence and tolerance among followers of all religions and cultures.

The prayer was held amid tight security measures around the headquarters of the Islamic Center, which is located on the Danube River, to secure the worshipers.

Islam is considered the second largest and fastest growing religion in Austria, and the Turkish community is the largest Islamic community in the country, and the Syrian community is the largest Arab community in Austria due to immigration flows in recent years.

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